Their sound is powerful; which is odd considering most of their tracks are an acoustic guitar and drums. There's something in Nebeker's voice that yields a powerful edge, while still holding a soft, gentle, endearing tone. The brushed snare drum, the carefuly strummed chords, the soothing hi hat or jazz cymbal, the stories, the element of Oregon, everything comes together to their advantage.
In "Oviedo", the guitar seems to appear out of nowhere and get closer and closer to the mic. The lyrics hold a meaning and augment the soft music. Eventually the two Pilots are joined by a brass section that belt the melody; it's beautiful. "Paint or Pollen" has a jazzy, sly chord progression. "The Story I Heard" ties in elements of the Northwest, jumping a Utah train, things undone. "Poor Boy" is a somber song, but still not terrible to listen to like most sad songs. "One Red Thread" shows the full band potential of their live sound and touches on the upbeat and the slower grooves of this album. Beginning the same way as "Oviedo", but going into new territory with vibe lines in the middle are admirable, lyrics that are liberating, drums that are pumping but not too loud, and touching on the same quiet delivery as the slower songs.
Although in recordings there is few tracks, a minimalist sense that I can respect, Blind Pilot are joined on stage by a full band that, I feel, takes their sound to the potential that is so obvious on "3 Rounds and a Sound". This album is a perfect album to listen to in your car on your way home. I almost feel like it's giving me a pat on the back. From the time I bought this album, in February '09, until about May, it was nearly all I listened to. This album is listenable all the way through, or if you're just feeling like a couple of their tracks, which makes this album versatile.
" Go On, Say It" continues the energy that "One Red Thread" brought into the record, urging you to "come on say it right". This time joined by strings, which also course through the veins of their live sets. "Two Towns from Me" is a borderline alt-country song with that wonderful soothing quality, and a Rhodes organ! "Things I Cannot Recall" highlights all the fun of a young relationship; first kisses, trips to the beach, getting caught. "There are things I could not forget/I wish none had happened yet/There are some things I cannot forget/We were stronger than the preachers, wiser than the law". This song is one of my favourites from the entire year.
Blind Pilot combines child-like innocence, "Things I Cannot Recall", "Two Towns from Me", with more mature situations, "The Bitter End", "3 Rounds and a Sound", as well as the story telling quality of early Decemberists. I truly believe there are great things coming from these guys. They are constantly expanding and I think it's safe to say we can expect a lot of great tunes from these guys in the years to come.
Key tracks: "Oviedo", "One Red Thread", "Things I Cannot Recall"
Listen if you like: early Decemberists, Elliot Smith, The Shins
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